Recordings of Dhamma Talks from Sri Lanka in 2024.
香川県にある浄土真宗のお寺、円龍寺です。円龍寺かっけいブログ『 』を運営しているお坊さん克啓(か...
Zen Community of Oregon Dharma Talks
New podcasts every Tues, Thurs and Sat. Here you can find talks from v...
20歲後的人生,充滿社畜、戀愛、遠赴馬紹爾工作的日子。 30歲後的人生,經歷愛情長跑九年後的結婚生子,生子前一本經書打開了我與神佛超感應的...
Articles about bhakti yoga, devotion to God
Learn about traditional Zen and Buddhist teachings, practices, and his...
Hindu mythology is stripped bare of complexity and surrealism and reve...
S učiteljem Žarkpm Andričevićem i gostima.Podcast Chan centra Hartovsk...